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China to Extend Women's Access to Cervical, Breast Cancer Screenings

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China to Extend Women's Access to Cervical, Breast Cancer Screenings

 January 19, 2022

BEIJING, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) — China's National Health Commission on Tuesday issued work plans to extend women's access to screening services for cervical and breast cancers.

The scope of such services will be expanded to include women aged from 35 to 64 in both urban and rural areas, and will prioritize those living in rural areas or those from urban families living on subsistence allowances, according to the plans. The services used to be only available to women in rural areas.

By the end of 2025, the coverage of cervical cancer screening services for eligible women will surpass 50 percent, while the coverage of breast cancer screening services will increase on a year-by-year basis, according to the plans.


(Source: Xinhua)


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